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Attorney James Hope
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Attorney James Hope
DUI Dropping Charges Injunctions Public Defenders Office Violation Of Probation Seal/Expunge Records Sexual Offenses
Attorney James Hope

Why might I seriously consider fighting my D.U.I. charge? 

Besides the fact that a D.U.I. conviction does not look good on your résumé, MSN Money calculates that the ‘ride home’ the police officer gave you could end up costing you $10,000.00 in the long-run.  (Read the full article here.)  Given a multitude of possible police-errors, most people would not want to give-in so easily on their D.U.I. arrest, without a fight.  That is why I offer a free, no-obligation, office consultation.

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Dropping Charges | Injunctions | Public Defender's Office | Violation of Probation | Seal/Expunge Records | Sexual Offenses

Law Office of James Hope
P.O. Box 1133
322 N. Barrow Avenue
Tavares, FL 32778
352-742-3488 ~ Email


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